Book Manuscript
- Just Ordinary Mothers: Black Women’s Grassroots Organizing in Boston, from the Vote to the Busing Crisis. (Under Revision with University of North Carolina Press)
Dissertation & MA Thesis
- “If There Are Men who Are Afraid to Die, There Are Women who Are NOT”: African American Women’s Civil Rights Leadership in Boston, 1920-1975. (PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2016).
- Quand les Afro-Américains devinrent Démocrates: Étude de la transformation du militantisme noir de Boston, 1918-1925. (MA Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2008).
Peer Reviewed Articles
- “Digital Storytelling: A Beneficial Tool for Large Survey Courses in History.” The History Teacher 54, 4 (August 2021): 709-729.
- “‘Extra! Extra!’: Boston Regulates Child Labor in the Streets, 1880-1895.” Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 19, 2 (Spring 2020): 226-246.
- “‘Scared from the Polls’: Boston African American Women, Disenfranchisement, and the 1920 Massachusetts Legislative Elections.” Proceedings of the American Historical Association, 2011.
- “La création de la Kahnawake Survival School : Affirmation d’identité ou affirmation de souveraineté?” Edited by Susanne Gousse. Savoir et Pouvoir; Singulier ou pluriel de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Actes du XIIIe Colloque de l’Association des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s du Département d’Histoire de l’Université de Montréal (2007). Montréal: Université de Montréal, 2007: 125-134.
- “Boston et la Great Migration; changement ou continuité?” Les Cahiers d’histoire 25, no. 1 (2006): 99-117.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
- “Beyond Combahee: Barbara Smith and Black Radical Feminism.” In It’s Our Movement Now: Black Women’s Politics and the 1977 National Women’s Convention, edited by Laura L Lovett, Rachel Jessica Daniel, and Kelly N. Giles, 123–36. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2022.
- “Before Boston’s Busing Crisis: Operation Exodus, Grassroots Organizing, and Motherhood, 1965-1967.” In Motherhood in Public and Political Life. Edited by Simone Bohn and Pinar Melis Yelsalh Parmaksiz. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press, 2017. 193-211.
Published Reports
Conference Presentations
- “Beyond Combahee: Barbara Smith, Black Radical Feminism, and the International Women’s Conference of 1977.” 2023 Berkshire Conference of Women, Genders and Sexualities, Santa Clara University, California June 28-July 2, 2023.
- “Barbara Smith and Black Radical Feminism.” 2023 Organization of American Historians Conference on American History, Los Angeles, CA, March 30-April 2, 2023.
- Keynote. “Black Women’s Political Organizing: A Long History.” 2021 Pennsylvania West Regional Conference. University of Pittsburgh. Virtual Conference, March 19-20, 2021.
- Chair/Commentator. “Framing the Civil Rights Movement.” 2021 Georgia Regional Conference of Phi Alpha Theta. Georgia Southern University. Virtual Conference March 5-7.
- Chair/Commentator. “Conflicted Classrooms.” 2021 Georgia Regional Conference of Phi Alpha Theta. Georgia Southern University. Virtual Conference March 5-7.
- Chair/Commentator. “Twentieth Century African American History.” Georgia Association of Historians, Virtual Conference, February 5-6, 2021.
- Invited Panelist. “Roundtable: Culturally-Responsive Teaching.” 2020 OAH Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2-5, 2020. (Conference Cancelled due to COVID)
- “From Savannah to Monrovia: Alice McKane, the Migration to Liberia, and Civil Rights at the turn of the 20th Century.” The Southern Historical Association, Louisville, KY. November 7-11, 2019.
- “Beyond Combahee: Barbara Smith and Black Radical Feminism.” 104th Annual ASALH Convention, Charleston, SC, October 2-6, 2019.
- “British Women’s Loyalty to Nation and Empire, 1939-45.” 2019 American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. January 3-6, 2019.
- “Local Organizing through a Global Lens: Muriel Snowden, Boston, and the Pan-African Movement.” 2018 American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. January 4-7, 2018.
- Panel Organizer. “Black Women and Internationalism in the 20th Century.” 2018 American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. January 4-7, 2018.
- “The Boston Busing Crisis: Black Mothers in the Civil Rights Movement.” 2017 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Gender, and Sexualities, Hempstead, NY, June 1-4, 2017.
- Discussion Leader. “How to Prepare for the Job Market.” 2017 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Gender, and Sexualities, Hempstead, NY, June 1-4, 2017.
- Discussion Leader “Teaching History as a Graduate Student in the United States.” 2017 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Gender, and Sexualities, Hempstead, NY, June 1-4, 2017.
- Discussant. “Baking and/as a Pedagogy of Performativity: Kneading Voices and Memories at the Pioneer Valley Bread House.” Faculty Work-in-Progress, Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, South Hadley, MA. March 30, 2017.
- “What Happens when Half of the Story is Missing?: The Boston Busing Crisis, 1974.” 12th Annual University of Massachusetts Amherst Graduate History Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March 4-5, 2016.
- “From Anna Julia Cooper to Dorothy Pittman Hughes: Motherhood and Child Care Activism, 1890-1970.” 100th Annual ASALH Convention, Atlanta, GA, September 23-27, 2015.
- “The (In)visible Boston Renaissance: The Hidden History of Boston’s New Negro Renaissance, 1920-1935.” The Practice of (In)Visibility, University of Brighton, UK. June 25-26, 2015.
- “Boston from the Great Migration to the Busing Crisis: A Women’s Story.” Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, Toronto, ON, May 22-24, 2014.
- “‘The Little Rock of the North’: How First Great Migration Mothers Influenced Boston’s Desegregation.” 98th Annual ASALH Convention, Jacksonville, FL, October 2-6, 2013.
- “‘There are Women here who are not Afraid to Die’: Gender, Migration and Leadership in Boston, 1910-1925.” 96th Annual ASALH Convention, Richmond, VA, October 5-9, 2011. Invited Paper.
- “‘Scared from the Polls’: Boston African American Women, Disenfranchisement, and the 1920 Massachusetts Legislative Elections.” 125th Annual Meeting American Historical Association, Boston, MA, January 6-9, 2011.
- Panel Organizer, “Women and Electoral Politics in the Long 1920s: Race, Gender, and Political Culture.” 125th Annual Meeting American Historical Association, Boston, MA, January 6-9, 2011.
- “The Voices of the Sisters: The Formation of the Colored Work Committee of the Young Women’s Christian Association, 1917-1922.” Colloque “Femmes, culture et pouvoir”, Sherbrooke, QC, May 20, 2009.
- “The Kahnawake Survival School: The Indian Education for Indian People.” 2007 OAH Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (MN), March 29-April 1st, 2007.
- “Entre travail et ethnicité : Les grèves de 1919 et leur impact sur les relations raciales à Boston.” “Contrôle et liberté,” XIVth Conference of the Association des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s du Département d’Histoire de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, March 16-17, 2007.
- “Between Work and Ethnicity: Boston and Race Relationship.” Eleventh Annual New Frontiers in Graduate History Conference, York University, Toronto, February 15-17, 2007.
- “La création de la Kahnawake Survival School : Affirmation d’identité ou affirmation de souveraineté?” Association des diplôm(e)s du Département d’Histoire de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, March 16-17, 2006.
- “La création de la Kahnawake Survival School : Prise de position ou indice de transformation?” IIIrd Annual Student Conference McGill-Queen’s “Formation / Transformation,” Montreal, March 16-17, 2006. Association des diplôm(e)s du Département d’Histoire de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, March 16-17, 2006.
Book Reviews & Forewords
- “Foreword.” in James M. O’Toole and David Quigley, Editors. Boston Histories: Essays in Honor of Thomas H. O’Connor. Boston, Northeastern University: 2019.
- “Working in the Black Man’s Shadow: Mary Church Terrell and Anna Arnold Hedgeman’s Fight Against Jim Crow.” Reviews in American History 44, no 3 (September 2017): 491-495.
- Yakov M. “Au nom de la Torah : Une histoire de l’opposition juive au sionisme.” Les Cahiers d’histoire 26, no. 3 (2007): 139-142.
Guest & Public Lectures
- “African American Maritime History in Coastal Georgia,” Transfer of Knowledge, Georgia Sea Grant – Maritime Extension, University of Georgia. Athens, GA. January 20, 2023.
- “The Presence of African Americans at Fort Pulaski, 1733-1900.” Transfer of Knowledge, Fort Pulaski National Monument, U.S. National Park Service, August 16, 2022.
- “The Black Vote: From Emancipation to Jim Crow” The Learning Center, Senior Citizens Inc and The Women’s League of Women Voters of Coastal Georgia. Savannah, GA. February 24, 2020.
- “The Extra-Legal Enforcement of White Supremacy: Lynching.” Race, Law, and Justice: Meditations on Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. February 19, 2020.
- “Introduction: On the Same Page… with Jill Lepore.” On the Same Page, Jones Library Amherst MA, May 6, 2018.
- “From Emmeline Pankhurst to Ms. Magazine: William Moulton Marston, Wonder Woman, and Feminism.” On the Same Page, Jones Library, Amherst, MA. March 3, 2018.
- Speaker, “International Teaching Assistants, Cross-Cultural Issues, and Strategies for Success in the American Classroom.” Graduate School Orientation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fall 2015.
- “Women: WWI and the 1920s.” History 389 Women’s History since 1890, University of Massachusetts, Spring 2014.
- “Arts and Feminism; Different roads to Feminism.” History 389 Women’s History since 1890, University of Massachusetts, Spring 2009.
- “Of Witch Culture: Economic Development and the History of Witch City in the Popular Culture.” History 393F Salem 1692, University of Massachusetts Amherst, November 20, 2008.